Our training services

Since 2012, around 10000 UK students across all research domains have benefited from the training we facilitate in partnership with The Carpentries and other training communities in the UK. We offer training services to Centres for Doctoral Training, research and governmental institutions and projects, industry, and the wider UK academic community to upskill researchers and equip them with a good understanding of, and the confidence to develop, research software in their respective fields. 

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How will our training help you?

Our training courses cover a wide range of topics on developing quality software for open and reproducible research and make it easy to meet the UK research funders' software development requirements without investing your own resources into creating new training, and without duplicating existing training materials and courses.



We provide support for training for researchers at different skill levels: complete novices who want to start developing software for their research using established best practices, beginners looking to improve their skills and practices, and intermediate learners, whose research software projects are becoming more complex and are involving more stakeholders.



Our courses are hands-on and employ live coding techniques where instructors demonstrate a series of steps which the students then replicate on their own computers. Students gain a good understanding of the coding techniques and confidence in continuing to learn, and leave the course with their machines set up with working code that can be later adapted further for their own research.​


Bespoke courses

We are experts in analysing training needs to identify the right kind of training for your audience. We teach pedagogical principles in how best to teach tech to researchers through Instructor Training, and promote The Carpentries' lesson infrastructure, used by domain experts to write their own bespoke training materials built on the same teaching principles and formats that can be reused by a large pool of instructors from the wider community.

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Through our training activities, we empower the research community in academia and industry to write code to produce results that are both reliable and reproducible, while improving efficiency in the workplace. We equip experts in the community with pedagogical skills to develop courses, share their knowledge, and cater for training needs in their own evolving communities.

Read more about our training activities

Our partnership with The Carpentries

The Institute shares The Carpentries’ vision of teaching researchers to develop software that contributes to correct, reproducible and reusable research. We want to show the benefits of open development, sharing and collaborating with a community as well as best practices in openness, crediting, citing and developing research software.

We became involved with what was then Software Carpentry in 2012 by developing online courses in advanced shell tricks and systems programming in Python. Since then, we have been supporting The Carpentries in running foundational software training for researchers, as well as Instructor Training and Lesson Development Training programmes - giving people skills and tools to enable them to cater for training needs in their own evolving communities. Since 2011, we've facilitated the delivery of over 500 Carpentry workshops in the UK and developed an array of courses for various domains. 

Read more about the partnership
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Contact us

Do you have any questions or would you like further information or to discuss how we could help you deliver training for your organisation? 

Email us