Our training activities

We offer a range of workshops and training activities. Choose the one that suits your needs, interests and existing skills the most. We welcome anyone from the research community to get involved in the activities below. 

hands on laptop keyboard

How to get involved


Foundational skills workshops

Since 2012, we have closely collaborated with The Carpentries to deliver training in the UK. Learn foundational research software and data analysis skills through The Carpentries' workshops.

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Research Software Camps

We run one free online Research Software Camp per year, focussing on introducing basic research software skills and good practices and exploring a particular research software topic or issue.

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Intermediate research software skills

Develop your skills further at one of our intermediate skills training programmes and courses. Attend the Byte-Sized RSE programme with Universe-HPC or our Intermediate Research Software Skills course.

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Instructor and lesson development

Acquire specialised skills at one of our instructor training or lesson development workshops. We co-developed these courses with The Carpentries to fill a gap in our training curricula.

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Join the RSE competencies mentoring programme

Led by the Research Software Engineering Society (RSE Society), the RSE Competencies toolkit is a community-developed effort that aims to support RSEs in their careers by defining the skills, competencies and diverse progression pathways for RSEs to help track and manage their professional profiles and development.

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Training Community in the UK

We support the UK Carpentry training community by facilitating the monthly community calls and providing a welcoming and inclusive community space for instructors, helpers and workshop coordinators to meet, share experiences, explore topics of interest, get help or find collaborators for various separate training-related projects and initiatives.

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