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New Hidden REF article in Research Professional News

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New Hidden REF article in Research Professional News

Selina Aragon

Selina Aragon

Associate Director of Operations

Posted on 5 June 2024

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New Hidden REF article in Research Professional News

The Hidden REF logo on an abstract background

The new article "Here's why the Hidden REF is still needed" by Gemma Derrick, Associate Professor at the University of Bristol, and Simon Hettrick, SSI Director of Strategy, highlights that "while universities resist broader submissions, [the Hidden REF's] grassroots campaign will continue."

The article delves into the goals of the Hidden REF campaign and it's 5% manifesto, and announce that a new competition for 2024 is now open.

Read the full article at the Research Professional News website.  

About the Hidden REF

The Hidden REF is a campaign to recognise all research outputs and every role that makes research possible. The 5% Manifesto was launched last autumn, and it calls on universities to pledge to give at least this proportion of their REF submissions over to non-traditional research outputs. 

The 2024 Hidden REF competition is also now open. If you work in research and want to raise awareness of your own work or the work of others, take part in the competition!

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