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Caroline Jay

Caroline Jay

SSI fellow

School of Computer Science, University of Manchester


My research has two strands: developing novel human-computer interaction techniques using reproducible methods, and studying software engineering, so we can improve the way we do it.

I'm a strong advocate for Research Software Engineering, which (I would argue) will have a greater impact on the resilience, reliability and reproducibility of science than any other single factor - as well as being an important creative research process in its own right.


My research involves investigating how humans perceive and use technology, and applying the results to create new forms of interaction. I am qualified in both Computer Science (MSc, PhD) and Psychology (BA, CPsychol), and work across a number of domains, including healthcare, the Web/IoT and television. A key part of my work is modelling how people interact with technology, particularly in challenging situations, such as 'in the wild' when the user's task is unknown, or more when more than one device is in use. Current projects include CityVerve, the largest IoT demonstrator in the UK, Implicit Device Interaction, looking at how we 'sense' behaviour with the BBC, and Britain Breathing, which is using mobile crowdsourcing to geographically map allergy incidence across the UK. A second strand of my research investigates how software practice, quality and sustainability are related. Recent studies have examined how we might measure software sustainability, how research software engineers define software sustainability, and [why researchers still find it hard to publish their code.

Online Presence 

My university of Manchester page

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