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    Training update: further development of instructor training, WiSE workshops, and supporting teaching

    28 January 2016

    Training update: further development of instructor training, … Data and Software Carpentry events in the UK by growing the instructor pool. Also by working with the Steering …

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    Instructor Training

    11 June 2024

    Instructor Training With growing demand for … Institute is therefore working with The Carpentries to run instructor training events, based on a curriculum designed by Greg …

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    Training update: engaging in Instructor Training, documenting procedures for administering training and planning training collab

    10 September 2015

    Training update: engaging in Instructor Training, documenting procedures for administering training … despite the holidays, with a lot of strategic planning, new instructor training being organised, dabbling in taster …

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    Instructor Training at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia

    23 February 2016

    Instructor Training at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, … This Software and Data Carpentry Instructor Training workshop was the first one from a series of three …

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    ELIXIR Software and Data Carpentry Instructor Training at the University of Lausanne

    23 February 2016

    ELIXIR Software and Data Carpentry Instructor Training at the University of Lausanne … This Instructor Training was a part of an ELIXIR pilot project …

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    Carpentries Instructor Training

    06 October 2023

    Carpentries Instructor Training The SSI is running  The Carpentries  Instructor Training online over four mornings from 15-18 …

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    Carpentries Instructor Training by the SSI running from 15-18 June

    13 May 2021

    Carpentries Instructor Training by the SSI running from 15-18 June … The SSI is running The Carpentries Instructor Training online over four mornings from 15-18 …

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    Carpentries Instructor Training workshops running on 16-19 March

    20 January 2021

    Carpentries Instructor Training workshops running on 16-19 March … We will be running The Carpentries Instructor Training online in the afternoons of 16-19 …

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    Carpentry Instructor Training in Manchester—Join the waiting list!

    18 July 2017

    Carpentry Instructor Training in Manchester—Join the waiting list! … Software Sustainability Institute is organising Carpentry Instructor Training workshop at the University of …

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    Training roundup - May 2023

    02 May 2023

    Training roundup - May 2023 Posted by … universities to learn and practice HPC technologies. Instructor Training The Institute has a few sponsored places available for  The Carpentries Instructor Training , which teaches a user-centred approach …

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