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David De Roure

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David De Roure

David De Roure


David De Roure is Professor of e-Research in the Oxford e-Research Centre, where he has a coordinating role in Digital Humanities, and is Strategic Adviser for Data Resources for the UK Economic and Social Research Council.

Focused on advancing digital scholarship, he has worked closely with multiple disciplines including social sciences (social machines and web observatories), digital humanities (computational musicology), astrophysics (the Square Kilometre Array) and previously bioinformatics, chemistry, environmental science and social statistics. He has an extensive background in distributed computing, Web, Linked Data and social computing, and runs the myexperiment.org social website for sharing scientific workflows and promoting new forms of scholarly communication.

David has been closely involved in the UK e-Science programme, is chair of the UK e-Science Forum, a Co-Director of e-Research South and was Chair of OMII-UK. He is a champion for the Web Science Trust and is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and a Member of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.

David is a Supernumerary Fellow of Wolfson College and a member of the Wolfson College Digital Research Cluster.

ORCID: 0000-0001-9074-3016

Field of expertise: Digital Humanities, social sciences, astrophysics, distributed computing, linked data, social computing, research software.