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UNIVERSE-HPC Training: Introduction to OpenMP and MPI

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UNIVERSE-HPC Training: Introduction to OpenMP and MPI

Steve Crouch

Steve Crouch

Software Team Lead

Posted on 24 July 2024

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UNIVERSE-HPC Training: Introduction to OpenMP and MPI

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The UNIVERSE-HPC project is running a free online pilot training course on OpenMP and the Message Passing Interface (MPI) which is open to all researchers across the UK. This course will run in the afternoons from Monday 12 - Friday 16 August, and will be held online via Microsoft Teams. You can elect to attend the sessions for either OpenMP, MPI, or both.

The course will cover conceptual and hands-on introductions to writing C programs that use these parallelisation technologies. This event will be delivered using a mix of presentations, instructor-led live coding (where learners code along with the instructor), and supported self-learning, with training materials including exercises for you to progress through at your own pace, but with instructors on hand to assist with any questions or challenges you encounter.

Sessions will run 12:30-16:00 BST (GMT+1) on each day, with OpenMP sessions on 12-13 August, and MPI sessions on 14-16 August.

You'll need some experience in the following to attend this course:

  • The Bash shell command line, e.g. navigating a file system, using Bash commands
  • The C programming language, e.g. writing and compiling basic C programs (including variables, loops, functions and C pointers)

This training course is limited to 20 participants on a first come, first served basis. As a pilot training course, you will be asked for feedback on the materials, the format, and other aspects of the course, and thus this is also an opportunity to contribute to the future development of OpenMP and MPI training courses.

The UNIVERSE-HPC or ‘Understanding and Nurturing an Integrated Vision for Education in RSE and HPC’ project will define a training curriculum framework – spanning from undergraduate to continuing professional development level - for Research Software Engineers (RSEs) specialising in high performance computing (HPC).

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