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Eli Chadwick

Eli Chadwick

SSI fellow

The Carpentries

I learned to code during my Physics degree, but it took working on large collaborative projects to understand how to write code that is actually sustainable!

I have a strong interest in making sure early-career researchers learn sustainable software techniques early on, so during my fellowship, I ran Software Carpentry workshops for the yearly intake of graduates and apprentices at STFC, while also helping other early-career colleagues to develop their teaching and event planning skills.

I have also started to promote accessibility in research software. During my fellowship, I learned about accessibility issues in depth, and I spent time on improving accessibility within my projects at STFC and The Carpentries. I am interested in developing best practice guidelines and workshops on this subject for the Research Software Engineering (RSE) community.

I enjoy collaborating with other SSI Fellows and the RSE community on projects such as the RSE Competencies Toolkit ( I'm often found at events like Collaborations Workshop and RSEConUK, and I'm always happy to chat!

ORCID: 0000-0002-0035-6475

Fields of expertise: Computational science, early career training, accessibility of research software, equity, diversity, and inclusion within research as a whole.

Online Presence


My GitHub page

Follow me on Twitter @eelichad

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