Blair Archibald
SSI fellow
University of Glasgow
I am Lecturer in Computing Science with an interest in how we can (computationally) model and reason about complex systems, e.g. using Milner's Bigraphs and associated formal modelling techniques such as probabilistic model checking.
I was formerly a Research Associate working on the Science of Sensor Systems (S4) project which aims to deliver new principles and techniques for the development and deployment of verifiable, reliable, autonomous sensor systems that operate in uncertain, multiple and multi-scale environments.
I obtained a Ph.D in Computing Science from the University of Glasgow in 2018. My thesis focused on creating re-usable high level abstractions (algorithmic skeletons) for parallel tree search problems. This led to the creation of YewPar, a C++ framework for parallel search.
I am an active member of the Systems, PLUG, and FATA research groups.
ORCID: 0000-0003-3699-6658
Fields of expertise: Computationally modelling and reasoning about complex systems (e.g. using Milner’s Bigraphs and associated formal modelling techniques; probabilistic model checking)
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