CW21 - Lightning Talks

Photo by Josep Castells on Unsplash

A lightning talk gives you two minutes and one slide to discuss a subject. Lightning talks are the perfect way to introduce yourself at the workshop.

You could talk about your work, an idea, a problem, a pitch for the CW Hack Day or anything that's related to software and research, and ideally related to the themes of CW21: FAIR Research Software, Diversity and Inclusion, or Software Sustainability. Alternatively you could focus on one of the sub-themes of collaborative working, data/code sharing, reproducible research or data science.

CW21 lightning talk sessions are currently scheduled for: 

  • Tuesday, 30 March 2021 from 11:45 - 12:15 BST (10:45 - 11:15 UTC)
  • Wednesday, 31 March 2021 from 13:45 - 14:10 BST (12:45 - 13:10 UTC)
Lightning storm

How quick is lightning?

Lightning is pretty quick: two minutes. You will be allowed only one slide, which you will have to submit in advance if selected. You'll be presenting alongside a countdown timer, so you'll have to keep to time. However, it's amazing how much you can present in two minutes!

Lightning talk top tips

If you are preparing a lightning talk for CW21 please take a read of our handy tips. Remember CW21 is going to attract people who are interested in both software and research, so tailor your talk to meet their needs.


Speakers, submit your lightning talk slide here!


Day 1: Tuesday, 30 March 2021 from 11:45 - 12:15 BST

1Malin SandströmTaxonomies for contributor roles in scientific computing [Slide]
2Sam Haynestidyqpcr - Quantitative PCR analysis in the tidyverse [Slide]
3Batool AlmarzouqPeer code review of computational methods in academic journals [Slide]
4Diego Alonso ÁlvarezGUIs for Research Software Workshops: Accessibility is just a few clicks away [Slide]
5Esther PlompOnline Software Carpentry Workshops [Slide]
6Matthew BluteauCoding Dojo to Enhance a Community of Practice [Slide]
7Arielle BennettInviting contributions to the Activism Chapter of the Turing Way Guide to Ethical Research. [Slide]
8Stephan DruskatHow to build a Corpus of Research Software with crowdsourcing? [Slide]
9Heather TurnerSustainability and EDI in Core Development [Slide]
10Emmy TsangOpen Life Science [Slide]
11Caroline JayAutonomy and agency in research software engineering [Slide]
12Steve CrouchIntermediate Software Development Skills: The Next Step [Slide]
13Yo YehudiData for Science and Health at the Wellcome Trust [Slide]


Day 2: Wednesday, 31 March 2021 from 13:45 - 14:10 BST 

1Colin SauzeVirtual events in Mozilla Hubs and Work Adventure [Slide]
2Giulia GuizzardiExecutable Research Article (ERA):  Enrich a research paper with code and data [Slide]
3Daniel S. KatzEasier use of remote computing resources with funcX [Slide]
4Sandra GesingHUBzero - Achieving Software Sustainability for a Science Gateway Framework [Slide]
5Matthew CannonSupporting Open Research principles at T&F [Slide]
6Aleksandra NenadicLaunch of the UK Carpentry Community Calls [Slide]
7Shoaib SufiThe SSI Event Organisation Guide (SSI-EOG) [Slide]


If you have any questions, please email CW21 Chair Rachael Ainsworth at


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