The available prizes at Collaborations Workshop 2020 were 7" tablets, active noise cancelling bluetooth headphones and Raspberry Pi 4 Model B starter kits. First place winners had first choice of prize, second place winners had second choice of prize, and third place winners were awarded the remaining prize for up to a maximum of 6 people in the team.
Winning group: RSE2-D2
- Yo Yehudi
- Blair Archibald
- David Perez-Suarez
- Alison Clarke
- Marion Weinzierl
Runners up
Online activity templates - The Turing Way
- Sarah Gibson
- Stephan Druskat
- Joanna Leng
- Frances Cooper
Personas, pathways, hybrid conferences
- Neil Chue Hong
- Emmy Tsang
- Mateusz Kuzak
- Patricia Herterich
- Jez Cope
- Bezaye Tesfaye
- Ben Krikler
Other groups
Adding Behaviour Driven Development to Exploratory Research Notebooks
- Jon Massey
- Paddy McCann
- Lucian Oprea
Community Cookie Cutter
- Malvika Sharan
- Colin Sauze
Storyboarding Sustainability
- Emma Rand
- Reka Solymosi
- Iain Barrass
- Pablo Bernabeu
- Esther Plomp
- Aleks Nenadic
- Jonathan Frawley
How wrong is the legacy research code base?
- Dan Hobley
- Chris Fullerton