Mario Antonioletti
Community Officer / Research Software Engineer
Mario is one of the Software Sustainability Institute's software developers. After receiving a BSc in Mathematical Physics at the University of Edinburgh, a Part Three at the University of Cambridge (Advanced studies in Mathematics) and a PhD at the University of Wales, Cardiff, Mario joined EPCC in 1995, originally as a Training and Education Officer.
Since then he has been involved in a large number of academic and commercial projects at EPCC. Most recent of these are BRIDGE (a data mining project), OGSA-DAI (Grid infrastructure to access data), and both OMII-Europe and OMII-UK (predecessor to the SSI). He was also a Working Group (WG) chair for the DAIS WG (Database Access and Integration Services) and the DMI WG (Data Movement Interface) at the Open Grid Forum (OGF).
He then joined the Institute in 2012 as part of the Edinburgh contingent from EPCC that contributes to its staffing. He has worked on the Software Hub project, which worked with Jisc to catalogue and showcase software outputs they funded, and was also involved in the APES project, an EPSRC-NFS funded UK-US collaborative project to advance techniques and algorithms to model polarizable force fields. In his spare time he is a keen amateur musician.
Orcid: 0000-0002-2486-7990
Field of expertise: Carpentries, R, shell, git, C. Fortran, HPC, Data Science