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Byte-sized RSE Session on Testing your Python Code

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Byte-sized RSE Session on Testing your Python Code

Steve Crouch

Steve Crouch

Software Team Lead

Jeremy Cohen

Posted on 5 December 2022

Estimated read time: 1 min
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Byte-sized RSE Session on Testing your Python Code

Posted by s.crouch on 5 December 2022 - 11:22am Small portions of food in wooden spoonsPhoto by Alice Pasqual on Unsplash

The next Byte-sized RSE session, covering testing your python code, will take place on Tuesday 13th December, 13:00-14:00 GMT.

Byte-sized RSE is a new series of short interactive tutorial sessions where you can learn key skills to improve how you write and manage your research software in just 1 hour!

Following a short presentation on the topic, there will be an opportunity to gain hands-on experience, and to ask questions, in an informal and informative environment.

Why not join us, and tell your colleagues too!
Register here: https://forms.gle/PUrdfaVniMNgrgod9

If you would like to participate in the practical element of this session, there are some software prerequisites. Please see the information on the registration page for further details.

If you’d like further information about these sessions or would like to suggest a topic for a future session, contact Jeremy Cohen (Imperial College London) or Steve Crouch (University of Southampton).

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