Georgina Al-Badri
SSI fellow
University College London
University College London
Mathematical modelling for tissue engineering, drug delivery and in vitro cancer models. Computational modelling, promotion and support of best practices for research software.
My work
I am a final year PhD student in the mathematics department at UCL; my research is focussed on developing a mathematical/computational model of vascular network formation in vitro.
Implementing the mathematical model computationally has been an upward learning curve, and I found myself lacking confidence and the awareness of resources in order to learn and progress most effectively. Learning to code is one thing - learning to code confidently with a focus on good practices and reproducibility is another.
During my fellowship, I aim to support a Community of Practice (CoP) in Mathematical Biology for researchers at all levels whose research involves the use or development of code. I hope that through this CoP we can spread awareness of learning resources, advance existing open source software, and learn how to best integrate effective software practices into the research community.
Online Presence
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