Carole Goble
Carole Goble is Professor of Computer Science at The University of Manchester.
Over the past 25 years Carole has pursued research interests in the acceleration of FAIR scientific innovation through: distributed computing, workflows and automation; knowledge management and the Semantic Web; social, virtual environments; software engineering for scientific software; and new models of scholarship for data-intensive science. Since 2001 she has directed a large, mixed team of researchers, computational scientists and software engineers that specialise in e-Science.
As an applied computer scientist she has always worked alongside other disciplines. She pioneered ontology-based systems for data and model curation, the integration biology data resources and provenance. She has applied the state of the art in distributed, service-based computing and social collaboration to the sciences, notably the Life Sciences and Biodiversity. She is responsible for many widely used open source e-Science software, including the Taverna workflow system and the myExperiment workflow sharing platform. She has been an advocate for putting software innovations into real practice. She co-founded the Software Sustainability Institute UK.
Carole is currently leading activities in European e-Infrastructure for Life Sciences and on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). She is Head of the UK Node of ELIXIR, the pan-European Research Infrastructure for Life Science Data; co-leads the Interoperability Platform for ELIXIR and coordinates the multi-institutional FAIRDOM initiative for FAIR asset management for Systems and Synthetic Biology projects. The FAIRDOM infrastructure is the basis of asset management for the IBISBA European Infrastructure for Industrial Biotechnology and the EOSC Life workflow collaboratory. She co-leads the Research Object initiative to support asset exchange and reproducibility, notably for workflows, and sponsors the ELIXIR supported Bioschemas metadata markup for life science web resources. She is a partner of the BioExcel Centre of Excellence for biomolecular simulation, and a champion for the Common Workflow Language and BioCompute Object initiatives.
She is a co-author of the seminal 2016 FAIR Guiding Principles article and a partner of the FAIRPlus project aiming at FAIRifying pharmaceutical company datasets.
Carole has served on numerous committees and currently serves in the G7 Open Science Working Group as the UK expert. In 2008 she was awarded the Microsoft Jim Gray e-Science award for contributions to e-Science and in 2010 was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. In 2014 she was awarded the Commander of the Order of the British Empire for services to Science.
ORCID: 0000-0003-1219-2137
Fields of expertise: Policy, research software, advocacy, engagement, European Research Infrastructures, European flagship projects and national research software Centers of Excellence.